Children Ministry
Sunday School
Sunday School classes are held September through May at 10:05 am for preschool age 3 through 12th grade. For our Children we have lots of singing and great classroom activities that help teach them about our faith. We use the classroom model and the SPARK curriculum from Augsburg fortress.
Vacation Bible School
For K-6th grades we have a week of fun, fellowship and learning led by Pathways Outdoor Ministries. Typically VBS falls in July and is held in the evenings. It is a wonderful experience for the kids and the volunteers who help so please keep an eye out for the dates each year.
Pre School Vacation Bible School
Pre School Vacation Bible School is held for one week in May for 3 and 4 year olds and 5 year olds not yet in kindergarten. It happens in the mornings and we have all kinds of age appropriate crafts, lots of singing, bible stories, snacks, and activities. Each year we also head to Bridges Living Center to sing for the residents there which the children really enjoy.