Adult Ministry
Bible Studies
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast meets Tuesdays at the ARC Lanes for Bible Study at 7:00 am. All men are invited to come and join us!
Women’s Coffee and Bible Study is held Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am in the church Social room. Women of all ages are invited to come and share Bible Study.
Women’s Circle groups meet third Wednesdays at 9:30 am and 4:00 pm.
Fellowship Opportunities
Coffee and Conversation (social hour) is held each Sunday following worship in the Social Room.
Senior Choir 7th grade and up sing for special services (Confirmation, Christmas & Easter) Practice Wednesdays at 7pm prior to singing in worship for those holidays.
Bell Choir will practice and play for special services such as Christmas and Easter.
Stewardship involves how we invest our time, talent, and treasure in the building of Christ’s ministry here on earth through Grace Lutheran Church. Each fall we offer opportunities for folks to invest that time and talent by indicating which ministry areas they would like to be involved in. We also are called to invest our treasure as well so that we can continue to build on our ministry here at Grace. Each fall we ask members to fill out a pledge card for the next year as an indication of that investment in the ministry of Christ Jesus here at Grace Lutheran.
Volunteer Opportunities
In addition to filling out your time and talent form in the fall, there will be many more opportunities to volunteer your time and talent throughout the calendar year. This section will list any up to date opportunities for you to volunteer as well as who to contact.